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Frequently Asked Questions

Pro alerts are triggered directly by a series of proprietary algorithms. Lite alerts go through a secondary filtering process where a team of professional traders hand selects those alerts with the highest probability of success.

Pro alerts are triggered far more frequently than Lite alerts and typically only for time frames above 4 hours. Subscribers to Lite alerts can expect 15 to 20 alerts per month.

Ah, no, probably not. Unfortunately the crypto space has attracted endless conmen and grifters who make fantastical claims and prey on the financially disadvantaged.

Trading according to a proven system while employing strict risk management should ultimately prove profitable. How profitable depends on a number of factors including the starting account balance, percent risked per trade, win rate, risk reward ratio, and number of consecutive winners and losers. This trade calculator can help you simulate potential outcomes after taking 100 trades.

For those who will settle for nothing less than turning $1K into $1M we salute you, but you may be better off speculating on an esteemed new altcoin rather than attempting to trade your way to that all elusive 1,000x.

The team's ultimate goal is the launch of a STO with stablecoin dividends regularly paid to token holders. This site helps to demonstrate the viability of that vision, whilst also driving revenue used to further develop the ecosystem.

In Nov 2022 when the delusions of a certain philanthropic boy wonder and his crew of risk management geniuses operating on God Mode were exposed, the team took a massive hit and trading was temporarily halted. We have since regrouped. In-house trading will resume soon. Results will be made public.

Life is more nuanced than your average crypto social media personality might have you think. The team’s primary focus is the continued development of the trading alerts and auto-trading capability. This will lead to automated trading and ultimately culminate in the launch of a decentralized hedge fund. This is an expensive undertaking. For now, this site helps to further development and serves as proof of concept for new investors.

The edge is the trader's advantage over the market. It is derived from trading within a pre-defined system.

In the game of Blackjack there exists a mathematical edge in favor of the house. If played blindly, given enough time the house always wins.

However, the player can gain an edge over the house if he is able to keep track of the "count" and increase his bet size when it is in his favor. Unfortunately, the moment he his caught chipping up and down with the count, he will be escorted out and banned from returning.

Similarly, in trading those who attempt to profit blindly based on emotions, social media sentiment, or "news" may experience periods of success, but are almost certain to lose in the long term.

But when you trade according to a proven system with rigorously tested pre-defined rules, the mathematical edge is in your favor – and unlike our Blackjack example above, there are of course no rules against trading a profitable system.

It's vital to understand that the edge plays out over time.

Just as an elite level card counter still cannot predict the outcome of a single hand of Blackjack it is impossible to know the result of any one alert. A disciplined trader trades within a pre-defined system. He wins and loses. And with enough time and proper risk management he wins more than he loses.

If you are serious about trading, Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas is a must read. As he so eloquently put it, “A finite number of traders participate in the markets ... Many of these traders do the same kinds of things over and over in their attempt to make money... These behavior patterns are observable and quantifiable, and they repeat themselves with statistical reliability.”

Alerts received by Meta Signals Lite subscribers have been triggered by multiple proprietary algorithms and curated by a team of professional traders. The result are alerts with a proven statistical edge.

Learning technical analysis is difficult and time consuming as is developing a trading system with a consistent and reliable edge. Even then, most people don't want to sit all day staring at a screen, scrolling through charts looking for a potential trade.

The alerts deliver a statistical edge while allowing the trader the freedom to check the computer only when a notification is received.

While learning the very basics of technical analysis (TA) will help to increase the profit of some trades, it's not a prerequisite for successfully utilizing the alerts.

Alerts appear in different channels within a dedicated Discord server.

Discord is a free digital distribution platform accessible from any web browser or via a dedicated app for Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS platforms. You can register for a free Discord account on their website.

Your risk return ratio (RR) is the amount risked for the potential profit gained. A 1:2 RR means that for every $1 risked there is the chance to gain $2. Each Meta Signals alert lists the risk return ratio of each take profit target value.

The RR of the trades you take combined with your win rate decide your edge. If you take 100 trades with an RR of 1:2 and lose half of those trades, you still come out at break even (minus any exchange fees).

The higher the average RR of your trades, the lower your overall required win rate in order to be profitable. A simple example:

Amount risked per trade: $10

Average RR: 1:10

Win rate: 20%

Total trades: 100

Winning trades: 20

Losing trades: 80

Cumulative wins: 20 x 100 = $2,000

Cumulative losses: 80 x 10 = $800

Result: $1,200 profit minus exchange fees

Even losing 80 of 100 trades, with a high enough RR you come out well in profit.

Risk management separates the gamblers from the traders.

If a trader starts with an account balance of $1,000 the suggested amount to risk per trade is $5-20 (0.5-2%). When $120 is at risk in open trades (12%) consider sitting out any new trades.

Employing proper risk management allows the trader to weather the inevitable losing streaks. You can't take the next trade if you've just blown your entire account balance.

Each alert comes with a suggested stop loss (SL) value. This is the level in price where one accepts that they are wrong. The trade is closed at a loss and one lives to fight another day. Trading with a SL allows for proper risk management. Even with a proven edge, trading without a SL is pure gambling as your entire account balance is risked on a single trade.

Each Meta Signals alert lists a suggested SL level. One can increase their win rate (and risk) by only exiting the trade with a close above (short) or below (long) the SL level. This requires that you actively monitor the trade.

Each alert includes an entry zone between two prices. For example, a long alert is triggered for Bitcoin at $20,000 with a Target 1 value of $21,000, an entry zone of $19,500 to $19,800, and a stop loss value of $19,300.

A best case scenario would see the trader setting a limit order at $19,500, price coming to that level (but not going below $19,300) before increasing and pushing up past $20,000 towards the Target 1 value.

With some basic technical analysis (TA) experience traders should be able to gauge the appropriate entry price. Without TA experience, it's recommended that traders enter towards the middle of the entry zone.

Each alert provides at least one take profit (TP) target value and a stop loss (SL) value. The most conservative way to trade the alerts is to set your TP at Target 1 and automatically exit with a touch of either T1 or SL.

Traders with some experience may decide to take partial profits at each TP value or identify their own targets beyond the values provided by the alerts. Similarly, experienced traders may choose to take a loss only with a close above (short) or below (long) the SL value.

The alerts are in no way financial advice. They offer data related to potential trades. What you do with that data is entirely up to you.

An alert suggests a potential trade. It does not predict the future. Over time the alerts provide a statistical edge. However, losses should not only be expected - they are guaranteed. Proper risk management can allow you to stay in the game long enough to benefit from the edge provided by the alerts.

Generally 15 to 20 alerts per month can be expected. However, since alerts are generated by the Meta Signals Pro algorithms before then being approved by the team, there are no guarantees as to the number of alerts per day or week. If the criteria for an alert is not met, no alert is generated.

Join the free trial and then check the alert history in the Discord to get a better idea of what to expect.

A dashboard visualizing both live and historical results will be released in Q3, 2024.

Meta Signals monitors Binance USDT Perpetual Futures pairs. However, since prices across the major exchanges are similar, trading on sites other than Binance is a viable option.

Similarly, even though the alerts are based on data from the futures market, they can still be traded successfully in spot markets.

That would be extremely disappointing. But crypto trading will continue and the team will pivot to alerts based on data from an alternative exchange. The transition may result in a few weeks of downtime.

The NFT can be purchased with ETH. Holders receive lifetime access to everything offered by Meta Signals including Meta Signals Lite. Once the collection has been minted in full, Meta Signals Lite will become available as a separate subscription with payment available in USD only.

You can manage your membership from within your Whop account and cancel anytime.

Upon purchasing a subscription, you will immediately benefit from access to the information provided in the Discord server. Therefore there is a strict no refund policy. While every effort is made to keep the alerts running 24/7, there will be no refunds given, either partial or full in the event of downtime.